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CARN CONFERENCE arranges accommodation at hotel Ideon ( which is located in the most atmospheric and historic part of the town. Only a few meters away from the old Venetian harbor in the north-west entrance of the town and under the Venetian castle Fortezza, by the sea.















The large public parking is just steps away from the hotel entrance and makes access easy for all vehicles. On the outskirts of the commercial and cosmopolitan area of the town center, the hotel location has the advantage of being within walking distance of everything a visitor needs. Hotel Ideon cooperates with Fortezza Hotel which is very near. If Ideon gets full, with no vacant room, some participants will be diverted to Fortezza Hotel.


Two nights’ accommodation is included in your conference fee, for Friday the 20th and Saturday the 21st October.


Booking additional nights' accommodation
If you wish to extend your stay, we have negotiated a number of rooms at a discount price for the Thursday October 19th and Sunday October 22nd at


Single Room         48.00 € 

Double Room       60.00 €          per night, Breakfast included

Three Bed Room   75.00 € 


These rooms can be booked directly by yourselves by quoting block code "CARNRETH" when emailing Fratzeska: who will assist with any bookings, or by phoning hotel Ideon (+30 28310 28667-9) mentioning that you are participants of CARN CONFERENCE.

Please keep in mind that 20th to 22nd October is still considered tourist season and the hotel availability might be limited. This means that the sooner you decide, the better.

Please note that if Hotel Ideon cannot serve all the participants, reservations will be held at hotel Olympic Palladium ( which is situated in the city center. OLYMPIC HOTEL is located in the heart of Rethymno centre. It is situated 100 meters from the center and 400 m. from the Harbour and the old town.




















Furthermore, for those who decide to take care of their own for their booking, choosing registration without accommodation, we recommend you the hotels:

The CARN conference 2017 is hosted by the University of Crete, Campus of Gallos, Rethymnon, Greece

University of Crete

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